How to develop a strong visual language to refresh the existing brand for suits&advisors?
Develop trust, provide reliable information and advice. Build a reputable image, introduce transparent and effective investment, strategic & legal information.
Create reliable connections, personal experience and reputation. Become a household name, (affecting people and their businesses.
1. Service
To be excellent, efficient, practical, reliable, common sense. The right people - the right match.
2. Professional
To be, organised, focused, trustworthy, understanding, detail-oriented. Professional business done better.
3. Connection
To be loyal, value adding, experience, street-smart, pro-active. One-stop-shop.
4. Pioneering
To be knowledgable, easy to work with, foresight, flexible, result-oriented. Value added success.
The Associate Society
The Big Idea
The Wiser Connection
To connect or bring into relation. To unite, join together as partners, a person who shares actively in anything as a business, enterprise, or undertaking; partner. Connected, joined, or related. An organized group of persons associated together, the body of human beings generally, associated or viewed as members of a community.
A highly structured organization for community living, furnishing protection, continuity, security. Those with whom one has companionship.
of, relating to having the power of discerning and judging properly as to what is true or right. Having knowledge or information as to facts, circumstances, etc.
Initial Brandmarks.
Recommended Brandmarks.
Concept One
The Marble
White marble has been prized for its use in sculptures since classical times. This preference has to do with its softness which made it easier to carve, relative isotropy and homogeneity, and a relative resistance to shattering
Color Palette
90% Black
Color Variations
Concept Two
The process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another.
Logo Creation
Color Palette
90% Black
Color Variations